Two postdoc, two PhD students and one technician positions are now available for different subprojects within a recently awarded ERC Starting Grant project. The overall aims of these projects are to study the biogenesis and function of the centrosome/cilium complex by focusing on their regulation of the underappreciated structures termed centriolar satellites. The available subprojects are highly interdisciplinary and include among others the development and use of state-of-the-art live-imaging assays (FRAP, photoactivation, SNAP) to study the dynamic behavior of centrosome/cilium proteins, the use of proximity-labeling techniques and biochemical purifications to elucidate the changes in the proteome of the centrosome/cilium complex under different conditions and the use of genome-editing to generate cell lines for the proposed experiments. In addition, molecular cloning, cell biology and protein purification techniques will be routinely used. Candidates with a strong background in cell biology, biochemistry and/or proteomics are encouraged to apply, lab website ( To apply, please send your cover letter, curriculum vitae and contact details of three referees to